coproduct types

Coproduct types are the other kind of composite types in tasl. They're also known as discriminated unions, sums, or variants.

Coproducts correspond to the idea of "OR" or alternatives.

Similar to product types, coproduct types map URI keys to types, but they're written using square brackets [] and left arrows <-. We call the entries of a coproduct type options. The two parts of each option are the key (the URI) and the value (the type).

Just like products, each option of a coproduct has to be on its own line.

Use coproducts when you need to model a value that can be one of several different conceptual options:

namespace ex class ex:Person { ex:name -> string } class ex:Corporation { ex:name -> string ex:ownedBy -> [ ex:ownedByPerson <- * ex:Person ex:ownedByCorporation <- * ex:Corporation ] }

Notice how we have to explicitly label each option (ex:ownedByPerson and ex:ownedByCorporation) with a URI.

Here's a slightly different example, where a coproduct is used to represent multiple distinct formats that a value might be in:

namespace ex class ex:BookStore { ex:name -> string ex:location -> [ ex:coordinates <- { ex:lat -> double ex:long -> double } ex:address <- { ex:street -> string ex:city -> string ex:state -> string ex:zipCode -> string } ] }

A value of a coproduct type has a value for exactly one of its options, and it also knows explicitly which option it is. This is different than regular union types, which are more common in programming langauges. For example, in TypeScript, this type...

type hello = string | string

... behaves exactly like the regular type string - a value of type hello will be a string like "world". But in tasl, if we have a coproduct...

namespace ex type hello [ ex:a <- string ex:b <- string ]

... a value of type hello will be a string tagged with an explicit option key: something like (ex:a, "world") or (ex:b, "world"). This is why coproduct are also called tagged unions.


One really powerful way to use coproducts is to make a "coproduct of units":

namespace ex class ex:IssueTicket { ex:title -> string ex:content -> string ex:status -> [ ex:notStarted <- {} ex:inProgress <- {} ex:closed <- {} ] }

An instance element of the ex:IssueTicket class will be a product value with a string ex:title and a string ex:content. But what kind of value will be in the ex:status component?

Unit types only have one possible value: the unit value. This means there are only three possible values for the ex:status coproduct:

  • (ex:notStarted, <the unit value>)
  • (ex:inProgress, <the unit value>)
  • (ex:inProgress, <the unit value>)

The value <the unit value> is redundant; the only information that a value of the ex:status coproduct carries is its URI option tag. What we're really representing is an enumerated type (aka an enum) where the enumerations are the option tags.

In tasl, you can abbreviate a coproduct of units by ommitting the <- {} entirely, like this:

namespace ex class ex:IssueTicket { ex:title -> string ex:content -> string ex:status -> [ ex:notStarted ex:inProgress ex:closed ] }

You can only do this for coproducts. For example,

namespace ex class ex:Thing { ex:widget }

is not valid tasl.

Sometimes you want to create a sort of hybrid enum type that has data associated with some of the options, but not all. You can still use the abbreviated syntax for any unit options, and use the expanded <- syntax for the options you want to associate with other types:

namespace ex class ex:IssueTicket { ex:title -> string ex:content -> string ex:status -> [ ex:notStarted ex:inProgress <- { ex:startDate -> dateTime } ex:closed <- { ex:startDate -> dateTime ex:endDate -> dateTime } ] }

You should use enums as much as possible! They're appropriate for anything that has a discrete, finite number of possible states or statuses. In most cases you'll find that enums can replace boolean literals, and you should prefer enums whenever there are natural names for the two possible states. For example, this schema:

namespace ex class ex:Person { ex:name -> string ex:isDeceased -> boolean }

... is actually better rewritten like this:

namespace ex class ex:Person { ex:name -> string ex:status -> [ ex:living ex:deceased ] }

This makes schemas easier to migrate and easier to read (for example, we avoid having to parse a double-negative isDeceased: false). But if there aren't natural, descriptive names for the two states that a boolean represents, just stick with a literal type.

optional values

We can use the coproduct + unit pattern to model optional properties. Here we have a schema that models people, each of whom may or may not have a favorite book:

namespace ex class ex:Person { ex:name -> string ex:favoriteBook -> [ ex:doesNotHaveAFavoriteBook <- {} ex:hasAFavoriteBook <- * ex:Book ] } class ex:Book { ex:title -> string ex:isbn -> <> }

This kind of structure - a coproduct of a unit and something else - is so common that it would be tedious to keep re-inventing descriptive terms for the "something" and "nothing" cases of coproducts. The Underlay namespace has general-purpose terms for these that we can use instead:

namespace ul namespace ex class ex:Person { ex:name -> string ex:favoriteBook -> [ ul:none ul:some <- * ex:Book ] } class ex:Book { ex:title -> string ex:isbn -> <> }

You should use the optional coproduct pattern whenever a value might or might not exist. In some schemas, you might end up writing it almost everywhere. But don't make an automatic habit out of making things optional - it's good to explicitly say that things are required whenever they really are.